Assistent / Data Processing
Student of Latvian Academy of Culture (International relations Latvia - Turkey)
Professional Skills
2006 - 2008 - award of best young poetess in literal cabaret of «Andrejdiena»
2008 – publication in Latgalian literature anthology «Susātivs» and poetry CD, released by writers associaton «Inflatio Poesis» (pseudonym Karonhisake)
2009 - 3rd place diploma in State Scientific Works Competition with work «Paraksts - ceļš uz autora personības un daiļrades izpratni» («Signature - the Way to Comprehension of Authors Personality and Creation», section of literature)
2010, 01. 06. – 01.09. Brian Foul Fondation Intership, work in fabric. Duties – translation, interpritation, work plans composing, research work in CNB (Rēzekne)
2010 - 2nd place diploma in Regional Scientific Works Competition with work «The Meaning and Comprehension of Metaphor, Phraseologysm, Cultural Sign and Symbol in Translation of Story by N.Ikstena «Amaryllyses»», English language section
2012 - participant of the Turkish summer school (Turkçe yaz okulu), organized by Yunus emre instituite (Yunus Emre enstitüsü) for best Turkish languale students worldwide
2012, 01.09. - 31.12. - exchange student in Anadolu University, Turkey (within ERASMUS exchange program)
2012 - translation of book «Alice In Wonderland» by L. Carroll from English to Latgalian
2004-2013 experience in gathering, transcribing and collecting folklore data in cooperation with University of Rezekne, division of Baltic Philology
Latvian (native)
Latgalian (native)
Russian (near native)
English (good skills)
Turkish (beginner)